“Avoid white foods. There is some scientific legitimacy to today’s lower-carb diets: Large amounts of simple carbohydrates from white flour and added sugar can wreak havoc on your blood sugar and lead to weight gain. But you shouldn’t toss out the baby with the bathwater. While avoiding sugar, white rice, and white flour, you should eat plenty of whole grain breads and brown rice. One Harvard study of 74,000 women found that those who ate more than two daily servings of whole grains were 49 percent less likely to be overweight than those who ate the white stuff”.
Tag: Clean eating
Simple Bruschetta Chicken
There are some recipes that are best left untouched. In their purest form they are perfect, pristine almost. Bruschetta chicken is just that. My mouth is watering just thinking about the basil, garlic and tomato melding together in perfect harmony. It can be used in a multitude of applications, but this time it was perched atop a roasted chicken breast. If you are in a hurry to make dinner, still want to impress and eat clean and healthy, this is the dish. It goes from prep to oven within 10 minutes. I served it with a whole wheat spinach pasta and roasted broccolini.
Side note: The bruschetta topping can be used to make a traditional bruschetta (toasted bread with the bruschetta on top), or could be used like a salsa to dip veggies or pita chips in. Or you can toss it with pasta. Any way you use it, you will love it. It’s actually quite addicting.
Warning: Make sure everyone in your house has some. Guaranteed garlic halitosis will invade everyone’s mouth after eating this. BUT, If everyone eats it, the aroma cancels itself out. Pretty cool, huh?
1 container grape tomatoes, washed
2 large garlic cloves
2 tablespoons dried basil
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper (red pepper if you want it spicy, use less first, the garlic has a bite too)
1 lb, boneless chicken breasts, washed and pat dry with paper towels
salt, pepper and garlic powder for seasoning the chicken
Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees. Sprinkle chicken with salt, pepper and garlic on both sides. Spray both sides with olive oil (use a misto sprayer). Roast chicken for 20 minutes or until all the juices running out are clear. Internal temp should be 165 degrees.
For the bruschetta:
In a food processor put garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper. Process till the garlic is finely chopped. Scrape the sides of the processor and push all of the ingredients to the bottom of the bowl. Add the tomatoes in and pulse 4-5 times. They should still be chunky. Set aside.
When the chicken has about 7 minutes left, pull out of the oven and distribute the bruschetta topping evenly among all the breasts. Put back in the oven for the remaining time.
Fit Tip of the Day 4.1.2013
Eat more fiber: It helps keep you full longer. Foods that are high in fiber include fruits, vegetables, nuts, cereals, legumes, and whole-grain breads and pastas.
Pickled Red Onions
This recipe was tacked onto another Bon Appetit recipe that I made recently, the Shredded Red Chili Chicken. It’s an amazing topper to that dish and pretty much anything that deserves a good pickle. It could not be simpler to make these tart ruby rings. So easy, that they might become a weekly staple for you as well. If you are like me and love pickled veggies, make a lot. They shrink down somewhat after pickling.
1 red onion, sliced thin, but not super thin
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 cup warm water
Mix together all ingredients in a medium bowl, except onions. After mixing, add onions and let stand until slightly pickled, about 30 minutes. Drain and store in a sealed tupperware in the fridge.
Fit Tip of the Day 3.25.2013

Avocados can be your secret weight loss partners.
They’re high in fiber and healthy fats, giving you a meaty-tasting meat alternative.
Throw out the contents of your pantry and fridge! (I’m only half kidding)
Isn’t that what you are supposed to do if you want to lose weight? Personally, I don’t think doing a tyrannical sweep of your pantry is going to solve your problem. Why? Wasting food, even though I don’t consider chips and cookies food, isn’t reality. You probably worked hard to buy whatever you have. So, if throwing it out in a fit of healthy rage isn’t in the cards, oh well. BUT, if you are really serious about losing weight or becoming a healthier version of you, don’t buy it anymore. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. If it isn’t in the house, you won’t eat it. You will transition into a healthier lifestyle and have a better chance of staying on track. For some people the cold turkey method does work. If it doesn’t work for you, this approach will ease you in.
Weight loss is 80% of what you eat and only 20% based off of your workout. If you are serious about making changes, make them permanent. If you are looking for a ‘diet’, you will most definitely lose weight, but you will find it again and be right back to where you started. Trust me, I’ve been there. I would take the weight off with the latest trendy diet, then it would come back to haunt me when I discovered carbs again. If you learn how food works, and what to eat, you can splurge occasionally. You have to look at the indulgent foods as treats, not something you nourish yourself with.
So, what should you have in your pantry and fridge? Keeping the items below on hand, will help you change your eating habits.
Almond milk
Olive Oil mayo
String Cheese
Almond Butter
Smart Balance Butter
Ground Turkey or Pork
Chicken Thighs or Breasts
Dill Pickles
Low Sodium Chicken Broth
Parmesan Cheese (not in the green container)
Natural Bliss Creamer or Half n Half
Eggs (preferable organic)
Bell Peppers (any color)
Greek Yogurt
Turkey lunch meat (one without preservatives if possible)
Romain Lettuce
Grape Fruit
Natural Peanut Butter
Protein Powder
Low Carb whole wheat tortillas
Dark chocolate
A multivitamin
almonds, cashews, peanuts, not roasted
coconut milk
protein bars
brown rice
High Protein High Fiber multi-grain Cereal (that is actually what mine is called, by Eating Right)
Whole Grain Pasta or Barilla Plus Pastas
Balsamic Vinegar
Olive Oil
Sea Salt (fine)
Black Pepper Grinder
Green Tea bags
Whole Grain Bread or Whole Grain Extra Fiber Bread
Spices (they add flavor without fat)