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It’s that time of year again moms and dads.  School is back in session.  No more night swimming or sleeping in.  The mom only overnight wine tasting tours are on hold.  The leisurely weekday breakfasts have come to a sudden halt.  There is a gloom in the hot molten air that can only be described as buzz kill.

I’m sure some of you are scratching your heads as to why we are already back in school.  Ask California’s Governor Jerry Brown to answer that one for you.  Apparently it had something to do with California Standard testing which has been dissolved.  Hey Jerry!  Can we have a September start date again?

Back to reality.  Literally.  6:10 a.m. wake up times are again my new reality for the next 10 months.  Back to being super organized in the morning, even more so since I have two in school.  Two completely different lunches to pack, two kids that lose shoes on a daily basis, two kids to keep from killing each other while they brush their teeth.  The most handsome third grader and first grader are now in my midst.

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With the organized chaos that ensues every morning sometimes I forget to make food for myself.  For instance, this morning I made 3 breakfast sandwiches with a side of strawberries.  As my husband and two boys were eating their sandwiches I looked down at the plate I set out for myself.  Empty.  With only 10 minutes before departure time my stomach growled loudly, reminiscent of the mountain lions that keep coming out of our foothills.  My only option was to make a smoothie, another sandwich wasn’t in my time constraint.

I’ve made this smoothie once before and inhaled it, creating massive brain freeze.  This time I used self control as to not repeat such idiocy.  In a moment of clarity I remembered that I had promised to post the recipe about a month ago on my Instagram.

So as promised here is the healthiest well balanced version of a chocolate covered strawberry you will ever ingest.  This smoothie has a whopping 26.5 grams of green organic whey free protein.  I started using the Orgain protein powder because it took care of my aversion to whey in my protein shakes.   This powder is a legit source of clean protein made from Organic Brown Rice Protein, Organic Sprouted Chia Seed, Organic Hemp Protein, and Organic Pea Protein.  The sugar comes from monk fruit and organic stevia.

We need to talk about the raw green chocolate powder in this smoothie.  If you haven’t started using raw green powder start today.  These powders are nutrient dense and cost less than buying the 1 pound of greens it takes to make 1 ounce.  Because the powder is raw the enzymes are still in tact when they are turned into powder form.  Raw greens will give you increased energy and repair cellular damage.  I know the next question, “what does it taste like?”.  My honest answer is I have no clue.  I always put it in a smoothie and I can’t taste it.

This surprisingly vegan, gluten-free smoothie will easily make it’s way into your rotation. It’s incredibly filling, nutrient dense, and above all it tastes like dessert.  I hope you enjoy it amongst the controlled chaos in your life.  Cheers!

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Now for some exciting news!   As of August 4, 2014 I became a full time food blogger!  Woohoo!  So what exactly does that mean?  More posts with more healthy, decadent recipes.  More giveaways, more awesomeness that you will notice in each post.  So stay tuned!  If you haven’t already, now would be the perfect time to subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss anything.  A lovely email with the newest post comes straight to your inbox.  No checking social media to make sure you didn’t miss anything.

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