Category: Fit Tips

Fit Tip of the Day 3.26.2013



“Think of your stomach as a fire, and if you continually add a little bit of fuel to it, it’ll keep burning stronger than if you throw a large amount on a smoldering flame. Likewise, after exercising, the fire will be roaring and burn up what is thrown on it faster”. – (Author unknown)

9 Reasons to Drink Green Tea Everyday

  1. It’s an excellent source of antioxidants
  2. It burns fat and enables you to exercise longer
  3. It prolongs your life
  4. It lowers stress and boosts brain power
  5. It reduces high blood pressure
  6. It helps to protect your liver from alcohol
  7. It prevents tooth decay and cures bad breath
  8. It helps to preserve and build bones
  9. It boosts your immunity against illness
